Wednesday 27 April 2011

What’s with this 1:1:1:1 phenomenon?

Newsletter - 29 July 2010
(This is an old newsletter which I am posting so that I can remove it from my website.)

Recently Ronnie and I, while returning home from delivering one of her paintings, were discussing her future plans as an artist and what shape they might take. My attention was suddenly drawn to look at the clock in the car which read 11:11.

I drew Ronnie’s attention to this fact, whereupon she pointed out the number plate of the car traveling in front of us, which was 111.

Like many people on the planet, this has been happening for us quite regularly over the last few years and so we have naturally been inquisitive as to its significance – if any. What we noticed was that this series of digits always seems to appear when we are discussing or thinking about our vocations and how we might better serve our clients and friends. For us, the 1:1:1:1 sequence always seems to be a “confirmation” of some kind and has a very positive “feel” about it. As a Family Constellations facilitator I would read it as being in synchronicity with what Dr Rupert Sheldrake termed the Morphogenic Field, or that collective intelligence which Carl Jung referred to as a Digital Database.

Although it is not a concept with which I fully resonate, many people believe that guidance from Angels plays a major role in their lives, and are behind 1111.

While browsing in Estoril Bookstore this morning I noticed that the greatest number of new titles were in the Dreams and the Angels sections. The experiences of friends and the abundance of literature on the subject of the angels’ influences in our lives are certainly quite compelling. One of the most famous names associated with this subject is author and spiritual teacher Doreen Virtue. Here is a short extract from one of her books:

Whenever you see the sequence 111 or 1111 show up, it is a great sign of a golden opportunity. Both sequences mean that a "doorway" has opened up in which your intentions and goals will manifest extremely quickly. The Angels have taught me to focus my thoughts and intentions whenever I see 111 or 1111, almost like making a wish when a cake with candles is presented to you.

The angels seek to give us answers and guidance in so many ways, and when they call our attention to number sequences, it is a true sign of their love and power. The more you notice these signs, the more frequently they will show up in your life. Once you understand the signs' meaning, and once you accept that they are not coincidences, but purposeful events, you will enjoy even closer communications with your angels.

You can find out more about Doreen at:

You might also like to check out: where you can read about many other peoples’ experiences with 1111.

Uri Geller also reports that he has been experiencing this phenomenon for many years:

I started experiencing this rather bizarre occurrence when I was forty years old, at first I thought they were coincidences, I would stand with my back to a digital clock and something made me turn around and I would notice that the time would be 11:11. These incidents intensified I would be checked into hotel rooms on floor 11 room 1111. I started noticing these digits on computers, microwave ovens, cars, documents, etc. I decided to write about it on my website. I was immediately inundated by hundreds of emails from all around the world. Individuals were telling me their own 11:11 stories, almost always saying “I thought it only happened to me”. It is difficult for me to decipher what this is all about but my intuition tells me its positive.

You can read the rest of Uri’s article on the subject at:

On his websight Uri also quotes the psychic channeler Solara’s observations:

The endless reoccurrence of these hours 11:11, 11:01, 11:10, 10:01, 10:11, 10:10, 1:01, 1:11 represents a positive connection and a gateway to the mysteries of the universe and beyond. A trigger of remembrance

11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish, pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.

Solara is originally from Cape Town and moved to the UK in1987. You can find out more about her at

Of course, as a numerologist, I understand that the vibration of “1” is related to new ideas; new beginnings; a pioneering spirit and a unique new vision. And as a “1” personality, have to admit to being skewed in partiality towards the vibration. We also know that the master numbers, including 11, indicate intensification of that vibration’s attributes - and in individuals carrying that vibration, is often sensed as having a “higher purpose”. I frequently say to people who have a repeated digit in their numerology chart that they have a “double tot” of that energy. So if more and more of us are seeing 1111 regularly, we might say that we receiving a “quadruple tot” of some New Beginning energy – and this might mean one hell-of-a party!