Tuesday 24 August 2010

2012 - Golden Age or Armageddon?

Newsletter - 13th January 2010
(This is an old newsletter which I am posting so that I can remove it from my website.)

I knew I’d be disappointed if I went, but still – I had to go.

Having presented a talk on the Mayan Calendar so many times over the last two years, and being fairly well-read on the subject of 2012, a movie bearing that title was simply impossible to resist. Besides, I used to be something of a “movie buff” in my television days, and still try to keep abreast of the product coming out of Tinseltown. It is essential for me to do so in a way, because Hollywood productions have long been used as vehicles for the subtle influencing of the masses, and I like to keep an eye on what they are up to.

Not that there was anything subtle about “2012” – the Movie. It is well over two hours of clichéd, over-produced, CGI-dominated chaos, inhabited by a drab caste of thinly-sketched characters. It is a long time since I have seen a movie with less soul. (Oh, I forgot about those tacky Jean-Claude Van Damme movies that e-TV is currently slopping out – they would certainly qualify!)

I have to admit that the computer generated effects in 2012 are quite remarkable, and there is a delightful cameo role from Woody Harrelson. Other than that this multi-million-dollar exercise-in-excess was, for me, paradoxically quite empty. Not that I expected it, but the film does nothing to expand one’s understanding of the incredible Mayan culture, or their knowledge of the relationship between time and consciousness. It is simply a good old-fashioned disaster movie, shamelessly cashing in on the current interest in 2012, which could have been more aptly titled Noah’s Ark on Steroids.

In a way, this movie represents one extreme point-of-view of what might unfold as we head downhill (at least that is what it feels like to many!) towards the famous 2012 date. It is the celluloid equivalent of those fear-mongering, placard-bearing nutters who used to announce that “The End is Nigh!” Other titles in this genre include The Return of Niburu; Collision with a Comet; THEY are Coming; Oh No! No Ozone and Gorey Al’s favorite, Global Meltdown. (Oh sorry, because of dropping temperatures worldwide that has been re-titled Climate Change Chaos.) They are scripted to create fear – because people who are fearful are more likely to do what they are told, rather than to think for themselves. A fearful person is also far less likely to take responsibility for their own actions and the raising of their own consciousness – which should be the bottom-line for those of us who are even slightly awake.

Representing the other extreme point-of-view are some of the many channeled sources of information that keep assuring us that we will soon be experiencing the Dawn of a Golden Age. These faceless sources continuously implore us to “be patient” and reassure us with platitudes like, “everything is unfolding as it should”. I don’t know about you, but if I hear that one more time I am fearful that I might have to rip their eyes out! Which may be bit difficult really, seeing as they are supposedly on some “other dimension”?

So what do we do then, us ordinary folk who sit right in the middle of these two clanging cymbals that are about to collide on our heads? I often get asked, “What is going to happen between now and 2012?”

The answer is really simple - “I don’t have the foggiest clue!” And nor does anyone else as far as I can tell. Oh there are plenty of theories, and even more opinions, but “knowing” – ah, that is something quite different. There is only one place where we can find such “knowing” and that is deep within ourselves. And each of our “knowings” will be customized and unique to us - so no-one else’s option matters really.

What does seem clear, however, is that “something is up”. When you look at all the evidence and observe all that is unfolding on the planet at the moment, it is difficult to deny that some major shake-up is probably quite imminent. So here, humbly, I share with you what that I think we can do.

Practice living in the moment.

This is something that Eckhard Tolle and others have been extolling us to do for years, and I think they are spot on. 5 year plans are a thing of the past – 5 days should be considered long-term planning as things speed up during the next 2 years.

Focus on raising your vibration.

It is all going to be about your personal energetic resonance “going forward”. (Don’t you just love that term “going forward” – I don’t really know what it means, but I hear intelligent sounding businessmen using it all the time). This includes watching what food and drink we put into our bodies; what people we allow into our environment; and the books, newspapers, music, films and television to which we expose ourselves. (I feel I have to mention at this point that most of the programming on e-TV goes 180 degrees in the wrong direction for anyone who consciously wants to expand their energy field.)

Trust your “gut feel”.

Many people are getting the impulse to make great changes in their lives at the moment, whether that is in their career, primary relationship or place of residence. I would suggest following your “inner knowingness” because I believe we are all being called to be with the “right” people, at the “right” place, and at the “right” time for the great adventure which is about to unfold as we move through 2012.

I sincerely hope we can all meet again on the other side!