Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Age of Ethics

Newsletter - 22 January 2010
(This is an old newsletter which I am posting so that I can remove it from my website.)

Tiger Woods a philanderer? Impossible!!!

I am sure that many of you were as surprised as I when news broke about the extra-curricula putting activities of the world’s most gifted golfer. I’ll avoid the tempting but obvious references to “balls” and “holes”, or the fact that Tiger’s “handicap” has risen to 14, but I would like to share with you some insights from the numerology of his birth date.

Tiger was born on the 30th December 1975.

Using my system of Transpersonal Numerology we would extrapolate the following: Tiger’s Self number is a 3; his Family number is also a 3; the World vibration he carries is a 4; and his Life Path number is a 1.

Now, on the surface, this is a rather conservative appearing chart which is shared by such upright personalities as sitcom star Paul Reiser (Mad About You) and entertainer Rolf Harris (Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport – which is a well-known song, and not a plea from Woods!)

Tiger Woods also appeared to be a very upstanding (no pun intended!) citizen, and even his name exudes a blend of exotic beauty, strength and down-to-earth wholesomeness. But then came the infamous early morning fender-bender, and all hell broke loose.

The two 3s in this chart come as no surprise, as they belong to a person who exhibits enormous tenacity and who has a huge capacity for hard work, which we associate with Wood

s. The 1 as a Life Path also makes absolute sense, because this depicts a very unique person – one who has the potential to stand head-and-shoulders above all others in their field. This Life Path number is shared by such innovators as Walt Disney; Calvin Klein; George Lucas; Bruce Springsteen; Larry King; Karl Marx; Florence Nightingale; Charlie Chaplin; David Copperfield; Rupert Murdoch; Steve Jobs; Madame Tussaud and Mother Theresa.

The plot thickens, as they say, when we take a closer look at Tiger’s World number, which is a 4.

In numerology, the vibration of 4 is associated with the attributes of honesty, truth, integrity and trust – while on the shadow side it deals with dishonesty, lies, deceit and manipulation. It also has the incredible ability to wear the right mask for the right occasion – or to fool people by hiding behind a carefully manufactured persona that suits its agenda.

The position of this 4 in the World means that issues of honesty and integrity have the potential to play out in public. Those of you with a 4 in the World will inevitably be on the receiving end of dishonesty and people taking advantage of you – or you may find yourself being the perpetrator of unethical behavior yourself. You will have a 4 in the World position if you were born in 1948; 1957; 1966; 1975; 1984 or 1993.

Now let’s take a look at a couple of other well-known people who have the same chart as Woods, to see how differently the same vibrations can be experienced.

One of my favorite artists when growing up was James Taylor. Sorry all you youngsters – you’ll have to Google “Deep Archives” to check him out! On the surface James looked like a gentle, squeaky-clean folk musician, but behind the façade lived someone with a serious narcotics problem. Substance taking is strongly associated with the shadow side of the 4 vibration, because it brings up many ethical questions – it’s legality in society; it’s affect on oneself; its effect on those around us; the lies that are told; the criminal activities sometimes resorted to in order to support the habit; and the Big Lie that often has to be lived.

Actor Samuel L Jackson also shares the same chart as Woods. I was fortunate enough to meet him once, and he is a sincerely likable fellow. But despite being one of Hollywood’s biggest earners - with a successful 30 year-long marriage - behind the veil Samuel had a serious habit which he struggled to overcome for many years. His 4 in the World position also found him experiencing a run-in with the law during his youth that led to him facing felony charges.

Then there is Ozzie Osbourne, who takes this chart to a whole new level. From his debauched days with Black Sabbath when he reportedly bit the heads off a dove and a bat, to his foul-mouthed escapades on the family’s reality show, Ozzie has pushed the ethics envelope to the extreme. No hiding behind a mask here, with everything playing out in full public view.

So what exactly is the point I am making?

At the risk of over-simplifying his research:

According to Carl Johan Calleman’s interpretation of the Mayan Calendar, we are currently in an evolutionary cycle which is designed to teach us about Ethics. The period where the shadow side of this learning will come to the fore is what is called the 6th Night, which started on 8th November 2009 and runs until 3rd November 2010. During this period there will be an increasing number of people and agendas exposed for who and what they really are.

Already, since November, the manufactured Swine Flu scare has been exposed for the fraud that it was; Copenhagen showed that the ruling elite have no desire to start healing the planet; Obama’s wax mask has begun to melt; and in South Africa ….. Well …… Take your pick!

And of course, Tiger got caught with his pants down!

As we observe this drama and take the lesson from Tiger and company, the message – I think – is very clear. Now is the time for us all to begin operating with as much ethics and integrity as possible. It is time for us to strive to be impeccable with every though, word and deed.

It won’t be easy! We have got into some bad habits and there are plenty of grey areas, but I don’t think we have any alternative. Otherwise we might find (for those of you who are old enough to remember the old petrol ad) that we too have “a Tiger in our Tank”.